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Norwell Summerfest Saturday June 17th 2 pm - 7:30 pm

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Hi guys, 

It's that time of year again, Norwell Men's Softball will kick off the season June 26th!!   Schedule to be posted tomorrow online.   Stay tuned...

Also, this Saturday Norwell Summerfest will be happening and our organization has donated the dunk tank again for this event.   Two years ago this was one of if not the main attraction of this great town event.   

The dunk tank will be open from 2pm - 7:30 pm this year.   Please let me know if you would be able to help out collecting money and handing out balls to the kids.   Currently we have 3 volunteers covering the 5 1/2 hr window.

In 2015, we raised over $1200 dollars at Summerfest in which NMSL donated $1000 each to the Cole and Vinal school.   This year we'd like to make a similar donation to an organization/group of the NMSL Boards choice.

We greatly appreciate any help you can lend this weekend at this great town event and we look forward to a safe and successful NMSL 2017 season. 



Posted by Vinnie Maggiulli, Created Mon Jun 12, 2017

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